曼聯Translate this text: "I am disappointed and frustrated by what has happened in the past few days regarding my failed transfer to Roma. Most importantly, I am extremely surprised by the alleged reasons for the transfer failure. Both the team doctor at Austria FA and the medical staff at Lorient have been closely monitoring my condition over the past few years and have conducted regular check-ups. I underwent a comprehensive evaluation before starting pre-season training at Lorient and no physical abnormalities were found. Therefore, I am utterly confused by Roma's explanation of the medical results, and my team and I cannot comprehend it at all. I will now communicate my situation with the responsible individuals at Lorient and Austria FA and focus on future tasks."
克林斯曼分享韓國追星文化的感悟:女球迷占八成 孫興慜的每一次傳球都能引發歡呼
01-11 14:18
01-11 12:33
瓜迪奧拉表態未來不願做評論員 不想傷害團隊同伴之言
01-11 12:33
於根偉外援前鋒引進工作進展順利 合同完成後將及時公布
01-11 10:22
迪馬真是個天才 K77轉會竟然要把意甲冬季轉會推向極致
01-11 10:22
阿拉巴談康復歷程 向回歸球隊的美好時光致敬
01-11 08:16
01-11 08:16
92班的英乙球隊將與曼城對決 斯科爾斯:購隊旨在維續92班的團結
01-11 06:11
01-11 02:08
阿莫林表示我沒有明確表示需要新球員 球隊應改進青訓招募和留住優秀球員
01-11 00:27
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